An Aite Group ‘Matrix’ ranking of fund accounting systems has recognized Linedata Icon as “best-in-breed” based on features and functionality, client feedback, and vendor stability.
Aite Group ranked 16 fund accounting platforms on a variety of metrics that address vendor stability, client strength, product features, and client services. Icon scored well across all four categories, leading to a Vendor Strength ranking of 88%. Its Product Performance ranking is also 88%.
Linedata Icon is a global fund accounting platform that provides robust accounting functionality, integrated business process management (BPM) and a web-based user interface. Icon fund accounting software is used by leading global and regional players in the UK, continental Europe, and Asia. Its advanced pricing module incorporates a corporate capital gains tax (CGT) engine that provides complex tax calculations (including deemed disposals) in line with UK law, making it particularly well-suited for UK requirements.
According to the Aite Group report, Icon “… can support the largest firms without overburden across investment operational needs, which spans across trade management, corporation processing, fee calculations, tax expenses, and price scrubbing, along with NAV valuations…”.
For more details on the Aite Matrix ranking, download the report. To learn more about Icon, visit the Icon webpage.